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A member registered Jun 13, 2021

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Whats the nox path?

no, you can dl PC and MAC version

I really love it, but i cant succeed at getting to the same story line that we can see on the 4th picture. Can i have any help ?

how to join you discord 

Yes so... I bought this last chapter as fast as it was available knowing how nice were the previous one and .... It's definetly worth it!

Im not sponsored or some shit; i mean it, >>> it's a really really good games! And i would definetly recommend it to others people!

Really nice chapter. Definetly worth it 

and is there any way to continue the game with the save point of the last chapter?

How much playing time is it ?

Yeah!!! 🥳

Wow ! That's a long and good answer.

I understand your position and you convinced me to get the new chapter once online! 

When should it be update ?

i bough the game few weeks ago, cant we get new chapter for free ?